Mark has spent the last 20+ years on the frontlines of the changing world of work. Working with hundreds of organizations of all sizes and some of the best and brightest minds in business, Mark has been part of a transformation of how we work and learn.
As the Chairman of the Institute for Management Studies in Canada for 20 years, Mark helped organizations develop their people in a number of ways including being instrumental in the success of one of the first micro-Learning companies, Now as the COO of ex2 Academy his journey into the future of work continues.
Pack Your Own Ship: Being Prepared For a New World of Work
65.2 million people in Canada and the US alone now identify themselves as working in the ‘gig economy’. Our current education system is founded on the principle of the 3 R’s… a concept introduced in the 1800’s. The gap between those 2 realties creates social and economic tension, as well as outstanding opportunity! In this provocative talk, Mark Jesty will challenge the way we look at work and how to stay relevant in the ‘new world of work’.